
Deep Fried Spiced Quail

by Christine Manfield from her great cookbook

We are in the dogs days here in Florida...and it has begun to dent my brain. Sandy Botstein did this great little pastel of the lady & the pigeons (flying rats to some of my friends). It is because of the heat I am sure, but I cannot tell if she is inviting them to eat dinner or to be dinner...and I love little birds (for dinner) so here follows my favorite recipe for quail (which I know is not squab...but they would work just fine).

4 large quail
8 tsp Massaman curry paste (Massaman)
vegetable oil for deep frying & stir frying
6.5 oz. small spinach leaves
2 cloves garlic finely chopped
2 tsp fish sauce
1/2 tsp black pepper
2 Tbsp fried red shallots slices
Preheat oven to 450F Wash quails, pat dry; rub generously w/Massaman curry paste; Heat oil in deep fryer to 350F; deep fry quails 4 minutes transfer to baking tray bake for another 3 minutes; rest 2 minutes before serving; Stir fry spinach w/a little oil w/garlic, fish sauce & pepper until wilted place spinach as a base on each plate, top w/quail, sprinkle w/fried shallot.
Make Your Own Curry Paste
4 tsp cumin
8 tsp coriander seeds
seeds from 5 cardamon pods
6 cloves
2 sticks cinnamon
8 dried birds eye chilies
2 tsp Thai shrimp paste/kapi
6 fresh birds eye red chilies, chopped
20 cloves garlic, chopped
2 small brown onions, chopped
4 tsp green peppercorns
5 cilantro roots, chopped
small amount vegetable oil
zest 2 kaffir limes, chopped
2 stalks lemon grass chopped
2.5 oz palm sugar/zaggery, shaved
2.5 oz fish sauce
2 oz tamarind liquid (1 part pulp simmered w/4 parts water for 30 minutes, strained)
Dry roast cumin, coriander, cardamon, cloves, cinnamon sticks, dried chilies over gentle heat until fragrant, cool & grind to a fine powder. Dry roast shrimp paste over gentle heat until fragrant. Blend fresh chilies, garlic, onion, peppercorns, coriander root, & small amount of vegetable oil as required in a food processor. Cook paste over gentle heat until softens & slightly colored, place in food processor w/lime rind, lemon grass, dry roasted shrimp paste, add remaining ingredients & process thoroughly.

She's not really going to eat those birds is she???????????????

1 comment:

Richard Wottrich said...
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