Starting in 2010 I decided to give up my mainlining habit of consuming Coca-Cola & Starbucks Frappachinos. My diet beyond those indulgences is pretty good. I cook most everything from scratch and try to keep aninal fats to a minimum. However I knew that my Cocachino addiction was keeping extra pounds on me. My mind's eye did not match my surface tension.
How many? Well I was averaging two cans of regular coke a day and sometimes more. I also had my daily Frappachino sugar fix and averaged perhaps five a week. That works out to roughly 3,500 calories a week, which is roughly how many calories it takes to gain one pound.
In a year that adds up to 182,000 calories, or over 50 pounds! Obviously I burned up most of those calories, but my “calorie deficit” (the difference between calories consumed and burned) was high enough to keep extra pounds on me.
My Body Mass Index (BMI) was an overweight 26.6. I have dropped 12.5 pounds over the past several weeks quite naturally for a BMI of 24.9, considered “normal.” I attribute roughly half of this weight drop to ditching Cocachinos. The rest however is the natural result of a diet of 100% fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, and keeping total animal proteins to 10% of total intake.
The real benefit is in better nutrition. But more than that I just feel better!
What do you mainline?
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