

This week I traveled to Whalen, Minnesota to participate in my mother's funeral. Many of her dear friends attended, coming up the long hill in the cold bright Minnesota February sunshine to pay their respects and fix a church luncheon. It was so sweet. Many of the ladies were of Scandinavian descent and many carry on the traditions of their immigrant ancestors. One of their favorite foods is Lefse. My mother and these delightful ladies used to produce large mountains of it for the Whalen Stand Still Parade (A Prairie Home Companion favorite) each year. What follows is her recipe, scaled down from the parade sized batch she normally turned out.

5 Large Potatoes
1/2 Cup Sweet Cream
1/2 Cup Flour for each cup of the resulting mashed potatoes
1 Teaspoon Salt
3 Tablespoons Butter

Boil potatoes, mash very finely. Add cream, butter & salt. Beat until light & fluffy, let cool. Add flour. Take a piece the size of the palm of your hand and roll as if for pie crust, rolling as thinly as possible. Bake on a griddle or lefse griddle until light brown turning frequently to prevent scorching using medium heat. Place between flour sack towels to keep moist until they can be slathered in butter, sprinkled with sugar, rolled up and gobbled down.

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